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As on 19/10/2024 per 100 Kg
Category Rs
RSS-4 RSS-4 19100.00
RSS-5 RSS-5 18700.00
ISNR-20 ISNR-20 *
(60% drc)
Latex (60% drc) *
Rss4Chn 19100.00
Rss5Chn 18700.00
Snr20Chn ~
LatexChn ~
As on 21/10/2024 per 100 Kg
Category Rs
RSS-3 Rss3Klm ~
RSS-4 Rss4Klm ~
SMR-20 Snr20Klm 17024.00
(60% drc)
LatexKlm 14997.00
Rss3bnk 22009.00
Rss4bnk 21933.00
Snr20bnk ~
Latexbnk ~

'*' - Price not Available. '#' - Market Holiday.
'~' - No transaction.
** The prices shown above do not include VAT @ 5% on purchase and expenses towards transportation, warehousing and other incidentals.
Scheme rule for Incentive Scheme for branding of Natural Rubber - for export market for the year 2024-25
Scheme rules for Participation in Domestic Trade Fairs and Buyer Seller Meets for the year 2024-25
Scheme Rules for Special Incentive Scheme for branding of RSS grades NR for Export
Scheme Rules for branded Natural Rubber 2023-24
Filing of e-RCMC - reg
Trade Notice No 27 issued by DGFT - Electronic filing of RCMC w.e.f 06/12/2021
Egyptian Advanced Cargo Information mandatory w.e.f. 01/10/2021
Extension in period of modification of IEC till 31.07.2021 and waiver of fees for IEC updation during July 2021
Online submission of RCMC reutns - reg
updation of IEC vide DGFT Notification No 58/2015-20 dt Feb 12, 2021
Extension of FTP and handbook of procedures 2015-20
Implementation of eSANCHIT initiative - IEC integration
Implementation of PGA eSANCHIT
Indian Natural Rubber

The Rubber Board is an organisation constituted under the Rubber (Production and Marketing) Act, 1947 and working under the aegis of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India, with an objective to promote and facilitate production, processing and marketing of natural rubber.Indian Natural Rubber is the brand owned and promoted by the Rubber Board and registered under section 30 of Indian Trade Mark Act .As part of improving the marketing efficiency of natural rubber, the Board facilitates domestic and export marketing of rubber by providing financial and functional assistance. The brand Indian Natural Rubber is promoted with a view of differentiating the natural rubber exported from the country on its consistent quality parameters in line with international standards. The Board undertakes stringent measures to ensure that the products marketed under the brand conform to the specified quality standards. Brand certification procedure is meticulously framed to ensure the quality of each bale or bundle inspected. Branding ensures confidence among the buyers in the international market on the quality of the rubber imported from India, which will be an add-on to other factors like product availability and price, which mainly influence the purchase decision.

Message From Chairman

The Indian Rubber Industry is poised to grow with increased potential in the days to come, both in terms of strength and dominance. The robust domestic demand and the increasing global prospects for natural rubber have made it inevitable for the industry to retain its ...

Read complete message...
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